Building Custom Force Sensors

Custom Force Sensing Resistors Fabrication  with PLK Development Kits
Custom Resistors Fabrication with PLK Development Kits
Custom Flexion Sensors Fabrication with PLK Development Kits
Custom Position Sensor Fabrication  with PLK Development Kits

Build Your own Custom

    - Resistors

    - Force Sensors

    - Flexion Sensors

    - Position Sensors

    - And much more


Using local resources and allowing the production of recyclable and biodegradable materials by using cellulose-based substrates and carbon micro and nano-based technologies* reducing metals needs by 90% in comparison conventionnal technologies.

* Proven and patented industrial methods and process through patents - PCT/CA 2023/050703

Paper-based force sensing resistor of any size and any shape


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Humans a like hummingbirds. Their collaboration is the Key.