Paper-Based and Printed Electronics

On-line Factory

We help design and build sustainable custom sensors and interfaces

PapierLogik gathers specialists in muti-disciplinary fields from materials sciences and process engineering to electronics and computer science.

We are able to help you conceive and materialise the development of sustainable harware and software IT solutions for a variety of applications.


Proof of Concept

 Matrice POC PapierLogik-TeckLiCell 2006

Our specialty papers and our development kits are te best tool to design your first proof of concept in paper-based electronics.
You can lern there how to build and hen implement and test your custom components.

Be guided by our tutorials and projects examples or contact us directly to let us help you conceive your POC.



Prototyping and serial productions

Once your POC has shown valluable, it ca be turned into prototypes with the goal for optimizing both its fabriction and its efficiency. Our design office will then be avaiable to let you design a bench test and produce on demand serial components prototypes with varying specs to find the best raw materials and production methods to produce development prototypes.

At this stage, the goal is also to ensure a cot-effective and reliable production process enabling repeatable serial productions with hand-made or semi-automated processes.


Industrial Pilots and mass production

MIT-MOOS NLAIC Article June 2023


PapierLogik Process can then be applied in existing industries to both produce raw materials and components at considerably higher volumes. 

Selected papermakers, printers and converters enable to us to produce tonnages of specialty papers that are printed with other specialty inks and then converted to be turned into legions on electronic components for a variety of applications.

Do you have a project we cn help you with? Contact us to expose us you needs.