Paper-Based and Printed Electronics

Original Sensors Fabrication Kit

The Original Paper Sensors Development Kit

This kit is the original version of our fabrication kits, whith renewed and improved materials, especially with our newly produced papers made by the finest papermakers in Europe upon our specification to make it as reliable, finely ranged and as reactive as possible for sensors design.

Our Kits are available in virous papers format and contain:

- 4 Volume conductive 1K paper used as Electrodes Layer

- 2 Voume conductive 100K papers used as esistive papers 

- 2 Dielectric thin cardoard for spacers and connection tails

- 2 bands of 20cm*0.6cm metal adhesive for connections

- 2 kraft paper adhesive for an eco-friendly encapsulation

- 2 A4 size plastic sheets for a more durable encapsulation


These materials combined with scissors of blades enable to produce a variety of sensors of any size and shape such as 2 Force sensors or Force + Position sensors of the size of the Electrodes Sheet (i.e. A5, A4 or 1Ft Square)


PapierLogik DIY Sensors Development Kit1
PapierLogik DIY Sensors Development Kit- Inside
PapierLogik DIY Sensors Development Kit- Deployed Content
Image of deployed PapierLogik Development Kit


 Application Examples


Thin Force Sensing Resistors

Build force snors with PLK Volume conductive paper 100K as the resistive layer



Fixed Resistors

Fabrication of fixed resistors ranging from 0.5kOhms to 400kOhms with PLK Volume Resistive Paper 100K



Flexion Sensors

Fabrication of Flexion Sensors with PLK Volume Resistive Paper 100K


Position 1D Sensor

Fabrication of 1D Position (Linear Touch) Sensors with PLK Volume Resistive Paper 100K