Paper-Based and Printed Electronics

Electronics: the basics

DIY Safety Bike

Behind electronics hides a bunch of scientifc and technological knowledge, ecially when building electronics with more sustainable materials such as electro-functionnal papers, and especially as science is still facing mysteries in regards with electrons behaviors....

This pages covers fundamental knowledge and applications related to paper-based and printed electronics. It corresponds to the knowledge taught in secondary school and opens up to technical and high school degrees.

We start considering atoms and more especially their electrons to understand how these are used as electrical charges  generating an electrical current flow and voltage through specific conductive materials.

We can then apply this to the production or use of electronics with low power DC sources and basic, standard or custom components and circuits. At this stage, we have mainly reviewed what you probably have been taught at secondary school aged 12-16 and you can alreaddy build great tools such as Custom Lights Controllers as shown aside.

Later on, for the people heading towards jobs in the fiels of electronics, the study, and in our case, the custom production of resistors, capacitors or else coils and custom sensors to led, buzzer and other transmitters are considered as well as various DC input sources,  and standard circuitry concepts such  as series and parallel circuits, transistors and Voltage Dividers. 

The next step is about including computer sciences using paper-based electronics and sensors with mirocontrollers such as Arduino or ESP32, which open ways to  a variety of applications, from computer control, games control, music and multimedia Arts control, Web Apps Control, IoT and embedded systems.