Papier Logik development kits have been used world-wide since 2007 by students, researchers, designers or artists for the production of custom electronic interfaces. They gather essential resources for the production of efficient components such as touch sensors or complete control surfaces.
These resources also found a strong interest for teachers in Arts, Sciences and Technologies who helped developing specific kits for educational purpose.
Application Examples
Thin Force Sensing Resistors
![Build force snors with PLK Volume conductive paper 100K as the resistive layer](/sites/default/files/inline-images/Original%20Force%20Sensors%20Fabrication%20Rev23.png)
Fixed Resistors
![Fabrication of fixed resistors ranging from 0.5kOhms to 400kOhms with PLK Volume Resistive Paper 100K](/sites/default/files/inline-images/Paper%20Resistors%20Fabrication%20with%20PLK%20Vol%20Resistie%20100K.png)
Flexion Sensors
![Fabrication of Flexion Sensors with PLK Volume Resistive Paper 100K](/sites/default/files/inline-images/Original%20Flexion%20Sensors%20Fabrication%20Rev23.png)
Position 1D Sensor
![Fabrication of 1D Position (Linear Touch) Sensors with PLK Volume Resistive Paper 100K](/sites/default/files/inline-images/Original%20Position%201D%20Sensors%20Fabrication%20Rev23.png)