Paper-Based and Printed Electronics

The CheapPad: a 10$ 8-Sensors HID Device (2005)

The CheapPad with papierlogik Paper sensors and a hacked HID - USB gamepad

Following the concept of the Cheap-Stick, the CheapPad is another possble application using hacked computer  joypads  for multimedia control and produced in the summer of 2005.
The design and application objectives in this case were to build a 4-button and 4-pressure sensitive pads to be used either with the hand as a oercussion, or else as a foot controller.

The structure is in wood painted in black and it encapsulates the paper sensors, the circuitry and the hacked joypad. The paper sensors were cover with  3mm compressible foam layers to provide a tactile feeling and to protect the sensors.

Mapping from Max-Msp enabled to aquire the sensors signal from the HID protocol and map them to MIDI or audio control.